Brian Panhuyzen started working with FileMaker 25 years ago as a school board employee. While he has moved through different jobs since then – IT manager, publisher, graphic designer, typesetter, and author, FileMaker has always been there with him as a tool, helping organize complex data.

Six years ago he decided to bring FileMaker’s power to others by becoming an independent developer. He earned his FileMaker certification, and since then has helped clients of every stripe and business type, from publishers and printers to rescue workers, guide dog trainers, gas plant inspectors, nightclubs, clothing designers, temp agencies, festivals, and more. His clients couldn’t be happier with the results.

While Brian’s skills as both a programmer and graphic designer help him build beautiful, powerful, and easy-to-use FileMaker databases and apps, it’s his background as a writer that brings an advantage rarely found in software developers. He is a responsive, clear, and empathetic communicator, who helps his clients articulate their needs with patience, kindness, and humour, translating their ideas into great software – quickly, accurately, and economically.

Brian is a certified FileMaker Pro developer, proficient in every version up to 17. He has a degree in English from the University of Toronto, and has published three books.

(pronunciation: “pan-HUE-zen”)